It's very simple!
Schedule your desired assessment time and connect with one of our certified assessors. After the assessment, you'll be assigned to one of our proficiency levels.
It all starts here!
In which language would you like to undergo assessment?
What makes it special?
Well, discover the difference when comparing it to a regular written placement test!
Understand Our Proficiency Levels
A0 (Beginner)
Starter Explorer: Starting your language journey with first words.
A1 (Elementary)
Friendly Communicator: Understanding and using basic expressions and phrases with ease.
A2 (Pre-Intermediate)
Everyday Conversationalist: Handling routine tasks in a simple way.
B1 (Intermediate)
Skillful Explorer: Understanding and using sentences on familiar topics.
B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
Fluent Connector: Interacting with a degree of fluency with native speakers.
C1 (Advanced)
Versatile User: Using language flexibly in various contexts.
C2 (Proficient)
Masterful Speaker: Understanding and expressing fluently in all situations.